
081: Start Here If You're a New Fractional CFO

May 03, 2024

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081: Start Here If You're a New Fractional CFO

May 03, 2024

More Fractional CFOs are entering the industry now than ever before!

When I started my firm in 2016, my biggest challenge was simple: 

I had no idea where to start.

I've made it my mission to help Fractional CFOs coming after me cut through the noise and get clarity on what they need to do to start, scale, and optimize their Fractional CFO firms. 

In pursuit of that mission, I've written 80 blogs and published over 100 YouTube videos over the past two years (and I'm not slowing down!).

Today, I'm sharing a curated list of the most important content I've created over the past two years, which will help you get started with your firm faster.

Let's dive in.

Transition from Part Time to Full Time Fractional CFO

If you are still side-hustling as a Fractional CFO (while you work FT somewhere else) and are unsure how to transition to full-time entrepreneurship, watch THIS inspirational interview with Shannon Weinstein. 

She details her journey from side hustler to full-time Fractional CFO.

Begin With the End in Mind

The most important pieces of content I've created are in this playlist where I do a deep dive on creating a strategy for your firm. 

In this series, I discuss how to set personal and business goals and how to implement a plan of action. I also discuss how to price your services. 

But What About The Tech Stack?!?

Don't sweat the tech! 

I compiled THIS VIDEO outlining the tech I recommend new Fractional CFOs implement in their firm. 

And don't worry - I take a minimalist approach to tech and software, so nothing on this list will overwhelm you.  

If I Was Starting a Firm Today

Many people ask me what I would do if I were going to start a firm from scratch in 2024. 

HERE is my answer.

Where to Find New Clients

Don't worry - you're not alone.

Finding new clients is THE biggest challenge new (and existing!) Fractional CFOs have.

I compiled an entire guide explaining my firm's marketing strategy for the year.

You can check it out HERE (absolutely free). 

I hope you found this list helpful in your journey of starting your own Fractional CFO firm.

If you know of any other content I've produced that would be beneficial to others, please send us an email, and we'll consider adding it to the list.

Your Coach,

Whenever you are ready here's how I can help you.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned in business is that the companies at the bottom are competing while the companies at the top are collaborating

That's why I've invested in so many masterminds over the years and that's why I host my own Fractional CFO masterminds today! 

I'm hosting the next Fractional CFO One-Day Mastermind on October 22, 2024 in Dallas, TX. Join me and 10 other firms as we solve problems together, brainstorm, and challenge one another. 

We are limiting the mastermind to a max of 10 firms and 6 spots are already taken.

📌 Click HERE to learn more! 📌

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